Article by SalesLeap

HubSpot Workflows: Disorganization Can Backfire Sales Automation Efforts

Frustrated computer user working on HubSpot

In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, the allure of business automation process tools like HubSpot’s workflows is hard to resist. Promising efficiency and streamlined processes seem like a godsend. However, there is a lesser-known downside to these automated assistants: the perils of disorganization. In this blog post, we dive into the paradox of how workflows that are meant to save time can actually become time-consuming and counterproductive in your HubSpot implementation.

The Allure of Sales Automation

HubSpot’s workflows offer a tantalizing solution to automate repetitive tasks, nurture leads, and manage email campaigns. The idea is to set them up and let them run in the background, freeing up valuable time for more strategic activities.

The Tipping Point

There is a tipping point, though. As your business grows and your outbound sales and marketing strategies evolve, the complexity of your workflows can quickly escalate. What starts as a few simple automation sequences can rapidly turn into a tangled web of interdependent actions, triggers, and conditions. This complexity becomes more than just a nuisance; it actively hinders your marketing efforts.

When HubSpot Workflows Backfire

Disorganized workflows can lead to a range of problems:


  • Overlapping Actions: Without clear structure, multiple workflows can overlap and trigger conflicting actions, causing confusion among customers and frustration internally.
  • Data Overload: Lack of organization can result in unnecessary data collection, overwhelming your team and making it difficult to extract valuable insights.
  • Slow Response Times: Ironically, what was intended to speed up processes can slow them down. If workflows are not well-organized, the time spent understanding and managing them can outweigh their benefits.
Complicated HubSpot Workflow

A Tale from the Trenches

Consider the case of a marketing team that noticed a decline in engagement. After thorough analysis, they discovered that multiple workflows were sending similar emails to the same segments, leading to email fatigue among their audience. They had mistakenly believed that automation would increase valuable touchpoints with leads when in reality, it overwhelmed them.

Reorganizing the Chaos

To prevent workflows from becoming a liability, you can take the following steps:


  • Regular Audits – Review your workflows periodically to ensure they align with your current marketing goals and avoid duplicating efforts.
  • Simplify Where Possible – Consolidate workflows when it makes sense, and eliminate any that no longer serve a purpose.
  • Document Everything – Maintain clear documentation for each workflow, outlining its purpose and how it fits into your larger marketing strategy.
  • Educate Your Team – Ensure everyone involved understands how to effectively use and manage workflows.

HubSpot’s workflows are undeniably powerful tools, but without careful management, they can quickly become a hindrance instead of a help. By maintaining vigilance and organization, you can ensure that your workflows truly work for you, not against you.


If you need help with your HubSpot CRM implementations, onboarding, admin work or need a HubSpot Portal Audit contact us HERE or book a free HubSpot audit call HERE.