Case Study

A defined Outbound Process grew Upshift's Annual Recurring Revenue 10X

Upshift logo

Upshift is a staffing platform that connects businesses in the light industrial and hospitality industries with qualified hourly workers.

Company Name


Company Type

B2B Software and Service



What challenges were they facing before SalesLeap?

Upshift is a staffing platform that connects businesses in the light industrial and hospitality industries with qualified hourly workers. They had a strong team and amazing product and service but did not have a defined outbound sales process in place. Their reps were doing all functions of sales and were struggling to do any part of it well. They needed to specialize sales development reps (SDRs) to do the lead activation and hunting, then hand off sales qualified leads to the account executives to close. Their executive team was aware of this but did not have the time to design this themselves.


In addition, they were only going after about 20-30% of their target market due to the fact that they had no clear process for identifying and sourcing ideal customers. They needed a proven lead sourcing operation in place. Overall, they needed a support team to help them fast track a scalable process for demand generation, outbound sales development as well as a smart nurturing framework using HubSpot.

After the SalesLeap program, Upshift:

  • Grew annual recurring revenue 10x in the first year and 6x the next to 9-figure annual recurring revenue.
  • Separated key functions in the sales process with SDRs doing sales development and Account Executives closing rather than their past model of full cycle reps.
  • Created and effective sales development and operations system in HubSpot.
  • Gained clarity on our ideal customer, pain points and solutions.
  • Increased email conversions by 100-200%.
  • 8-10x the number of discovery calls per month.
Upshift homepage

8 x

Increase in Discovery Meetings Per Month

1000 %

Increase in Annual Recurring Revenue

2 months

Time to ROI on SalesLeap Program

200 %

Increase in Email Conversion Rates

SalesLeap is the Real Deal!!


“Before SalesLeap, we had mediocre activity, at best. After coaching from SalesLeap and the application of their methodology, we built all new workflows and templates, receiving email open rates +50% with our marketing emails.”


Steve Anevski

CEO & Co-Founder

1000% growth post program!


Our ARR grew over 1000% in 2021 after our sales team completed the Salesleap program. It helped us turn sales into a science rather than an art, which is what we needed. Our whole team now sees the value of using HubSpot correctly and it has made a huge difference in how we approach sales.


Alex Pantic


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